I’ve been working on one of my public GitHub repos since Monday, I’ve still lots to do but there are a few worthwhile updates so I though I would mention them here.
- I’ve renamed the repo, now much more obvious it is a collection of Zend framework 1 view helpers, action helpers and utility classes.
- I’ve updated the design of the included sample site, now a simple Bootstrap based site.
- I’ve added a Bootstrap glyphicon view helper
- I’ve added a Bootstrap label view helper
- I’ve added a Bootstrap nav component view helper
- The sample site is available online at zf1.deanblackborough.com
There is still lots of work to do, I’m hoping to be done by Sunday but we will see.
- The original view helper and utility classes haven’t been updated
- I need to put in place a system to ensure I work on the site more often then twice a year
- I’ve additional view helpers, action helpers and utility classes to add.
- Need to create a ZF2 version of site.